Basic Kumara Salad

Basic Kumara Salad

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Quick and easy! Simple old school salad that the kids love.

Submitted by Betty

Cook Time 15
Prep Time 5
Servings 4


3 large kumara (any colour)
3 eggs (hard boiled)
1/4 cup mayonaise
milk to thin
bunch chopped parsley
1/4 cup grated cheese
salt and pepper


Preparation Instructions

Peel, cube and boil the kumara until tender. Hard boil eggs at same time. Once cooked cool the kumara and eggs. Combine mayonaise, cheese and parsley in a jar and thin with a little milk to achieve a pouring consistency. Peel then slice or quarter eggs. Combine eggs and kumara in a salad bowl and dress. Shake lightly to coat whole salad with dressing.